{ "contributors": [ { "email": "elaine@momentenergyinsights.com", "organization": "Moment Energy Insights", "path": "https://www.momentenergyinsights.com/", "role": "author", "title": "Elaine Hart", "zenodo_role": "data collector" }, { "email": "admin@gridlab.org", "organization": "GridLab", "path": "https://gridlab.org/", "role": "publisher", "title": "GridLab", "zenodo_role": "distributor" }, { "email": "pudl@catalyst.coop", "organization": "Catalyst Cooperative", "path": "https://catalyst.coop/", "role": "publisher", "title": "Catalyst Cooperative", "zenodo_role": "distributor" } ], "created": "2024-03-28T21:05:26+00:00", "description": "Hourly renewable generation profiles compiled for the Western United States as part of the GridPath Resource Adequacy Toolkit. Profiles are stated as a capacity factor (a fraction of nameplate capacity). There are 3 different levels of processing or aggregation provided, all at hourly resolution: Individual plant (wind) or generator (solar) output, capacity-weighted averages of wind and solar output aggregated to the level of balancing authority territories (or transmission zones for larger balancing authorities), and that same aggregated output but with some problematic individual generator profiles modified such that they match the overall production curve of the balancing authority they are within. This data also contains some daily weather data from several sites across the western US and tables describing the way in which individual wind and solar projects were aggregated up to the level of balancing authority or transmission zone.", "homepage": "https://gridlab.org/gridpathratoolkit/", "keywords": [ "solar", "wind", "time series", "energy", "electricity", "generation", "weather", "capacity factor", "energy", "hourly", "united states", "usa", "gridpath", "resource adequacy" ], "licenses": [ { "name": "CC-BY-4.0", "path": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0", "title": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0" } ], "name": "gridpath-ra-toolkit-data", "profile": "data-package", "resources": [ { "bytes": 63005561, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".zip", "hash": "52b89643bda01cc12650684fac900ebe", "mediatype": "application/zip", "name": "aggregated_extended_solar_capacity.zip", "parts": { "part": "aggregated_extended_solar_capacity" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/aggregated_extended_solar_capacity.zip", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Hourly solar capacity factor by transmission zone with extended time series" }, { "bytes": 23882423, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".zip", "hash": "b2b3fc45a676973e3c8c6ad136ad39f5", "mediatype": "application/zip", "name": "aggregated_extended_wind_capacity.zip", "parts": { "part": "aggregated_extended_wind_capacity" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/aggregated_extended_wind_capacity.zip", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Hourly wind capacity factor by transmission zone with extended time series" }, { "bytes": 61169408, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".zip", "hash": "315183e72d2d8bef162b068fdafc6d1d", "mediatype": "application/zip", "name": "aggregated_solar_capacity.zip", "parts": { "part": "aggregated_solar_capacity" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/aggregated_solar_capacity.zip", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Hourly solar capacity factor by transmission zone" }, { "bytes": 14813964, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".zip", "hash": "fd44ad9d6e885b1a3e3b90bbfd3e8ea0", "mediatype": "application/zip", "name": "aggregated_wind_capacity.zip", "parts": { "part": "aggregated_wind_capacity" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/aggregated_wind_capacity.zip", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Hourly wind capacity factor by transmission zone" }, { "bytes": 9663306, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".csv", "hash": "769bb5b43f6f6f53a4f9a9091ea09e85", "mediatype": "text/csv", "name": "daily_weather.csv", "parts": { "part": "daily_weather" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/daily_weather.csv", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Historical daily weather data for the Western United States" }, { "bytes": 1975322480, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".zip", "hash": "085a6c9ed0edf71bc98bfe827d8280dd", "mediatype": "application/zip", "name": "original_solar_capacity.zip", "parts": { "part": "original_solar_capacity" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/original_solar_capacity.zip", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Hourly solar capacity factor by generator" }, { "bytes": 153137109, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".zip", "hash": "0d67641ed05168f7e33b3b1fbd2a7046", "mediatype": "application/zip", "name": "original_wind_capacity.zip", "parts": { "part": "original_wind_capacity" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/original_wind_capacity.zip", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Hourly wind capacity factor by plant" }, { "bytes": 41280, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".csv", "hash": "4866bf39ca48087bf36bbb0e10e3bf21", "mediatype": "text/csv", "name": "solar_capacity_aggregations.csv", "parts": { "part": "solar_capacity_aggregations" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/solar_capacity_aggregations.csv", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Solar generator aggregations to balancing authority or transmission zone" }, { "bytes": 12641, "encoding": "us-ascii", "format": ".csv", "hash": "23b0a20628f627258251a4fd373cff98", "mediatype": "text/csv", "name": "wind_capacity_aggregations.csv", "parts": { "part": "wind_capacity_aggregations" }, "path": "https://zenodo.org/records/10892394/files/wind_capacity_aggregations.csv", "profile": "data-resource", "title": "Wind plant aggregations to balancing authority or transmission zone" } ], "sources": [ { "path": "https://gridlab.org/gridpathratoolkit/", "title": "GridPath Resource Adequacy Toolkit" }, { "path": "https://doi.org/10.25984/1810289", "title": "National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB)" }, { "path": "https://doi.org/10.25984/2006993", "title": "Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) Utility Scale Solar Database" }, { "path": "https://doi.org/10.25984/1822195", "title": "The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit" }, { "path": "https://www.eia.gov/electricity/data/eia860", "title": "EIA Form 860 -- Annual Electric Generator Report" }, { "path": "https://www.eia.gov/electricity/data/eia923", "title": "EIA Form 923 -- Power Plant Operations Report" }, { "path": "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/metadata/landing-page/bin/iso?id=gov.noaa.ncdc:C00516", "title": "National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD)" } ], "title": "PUDL Raw GridPath Resource Adequacy Toolkit Data", "version": "2" }