args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) if (length(args) != 6) { cat("***** Converter of PLINK to OmicABEL format. This converter is intended for use with small example data sets, for large data sets please use other procedures (e.g. direct manipulations of input using the DatABEL library) ***** usage: R --slave -f convertGenA2OmicA.R --args tpedfile tfamfile phenofile \ covFrom-covTo phenoFrom-phenoTo outfilebase tpedfile: PLINK TPED file tfamfile: PLINK (t)fam-file phenofile: phenotype file (following GenA format) covFrom-covTo: which covariates to include, x1-x2 where x1 is the index of the first column of covariates in the phenotype file and x2 is the index of the last one (all covariates in between will be included). Use 0-0 for no covariates pheFrom-pheTo: which phenotypes to analyze, x1-x2 where x1 is the index of the first column of phenotypes for analysis and x2 is the index of the last one (all covariates in between will be included). Use 0-0 for no covariates outfilebase: the 'base' name of the converted files ") stop("command line arguments are not valid") } inPed <- args[1] inFam <- args[2] inPhe <- args[3] XLFromTo <- strsplit(args[4],"-")[[1]] if (length(XLFromTo) != 2) { stop("covFrom-covTo argument should be of form i1-i2 where i1 and i2 are integers representing the range of covariates in the phenofile (use 0-0 for no covariates)") } cat("Covariates:",XLFromTo[1],"to",XLFromTo[2],"\n") pheFromTo <- strsplit(args[5],"-")[[1]] if (length(pheFromTo) != 2) { stop("phenoFrom-phenoTo argument should be of form i1-i2 where i1 and i2 are integers representing the range of phenotypes in the phenofile") } cat("Phenotypes:",pheFromTo[1],"to",pheFromTo[2],"\n") outRaw <- paste(args[6],".raw",sep="") outRData <- paste(args[6],".RData",sep="") outRel <- paste(args[6],".grel",sep="") outDAphe <- paste(args[6],".phe",sep="") outXL <- paste(args[6],".XL",sep="") outXR <- paste(args[6],".XR",sep="") library(GenABEL) #if (! require( library(GenABEL) ) ) # stop("GenABEL required") library(DatABEL) #if (! require( library(DatABEL) ) ) # stop("DatABEL required") unlink(paste(args[6],".*",sep="")) # arrange GenA data convert.snp.tped(tpedfile=inPed,tfamfile=inFam,outfile=outRaw) df <-,phenofile=inPhe) # compute gkin gkin <- ibs(df,weigh="freq") # save RData save(df, gkin, file = outRData) # arrange grel grel4OmicA <- gkin grel4OmicA[upper.tri(grel4OmicA)] <- t(gkin)[upper.tri(gkin)] grel4OmicA <- grel4OmicA * 2 # arrange XL XL <- matrix(rep(1,nids(df)),ncol=1) rownames(XL) <- idnames(df) colnames(XL) <- "const" if (XLFromTo[1]>0) { XL <- cbind(XL,as.numeric(phdata(df)[,XLFromTo[1]:XLFromTo[2]])) colnames(XL) <- c("const",names(phdata(df))[XLFromTo[1]:XLFromTo[2]]) } # arrange phes phes <- as.matrix(phdata(df)[, pheFromTo[1]:pheFromTo[2] ] ) # export data to OmicA format tmp <- matrix2databel(from=grel4OmicA,filename=outRel,type="DOUBLE") tmp <- matrix2databel(from=as.numeric(gtdata(df)),filename=outXR,type="DOUBLE") tmp <- matrix2databel(from=XL,filename=outXL,type="DOUBLE") tmp <- matrix2databel(from=phes,filename=outDAphe,type="DOUBLE") cat("*** You can now run CLAK-GWAS with command (replace capitals with your values): *** CLAK-GWAS -var eigen -nths NUMTHREADS -cov",outXL,"-phi",outRel," \ -snp",outXR,"-pheno",outDAphe,"-out MYRESFILE\n")