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Published July 6, 2021 | Version 1
Technical note Restricted

Thermal treatment of faba bean for flavour

  • 1. University of Helsinki


There is more to the potential food use of faba bean than meets the eye. The functional ingredients produced from the bean itself, such as flour or protein isolate and concentrate, can be used to make pasta, crackers, flakes, mayonnaise and dairy or meat analogues. Nevertheless, the use of faba bean in the food industry remains low, especially compared to soy. There is renewed interest in using faba beans in dairy-type aqueous processes. The constraint is the beany off-flavours (also known as aokusami) found in legumes. This unwanted flavour is caused by the action of certain enzymes on fats. It can be controlled by gentle heat treatment that denatures the enzymes without greatly affecting the properties of the other proteins. Value chains that incorporate steps for denaturing the enzyme activity are able to offer a product of higher quality with fewer off-flavour compounds.



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Legumes Translated – Translating knowledge for legume-based farming for feed and food systems. 817634
European Commission