Thank you for using the MONS database; see License_Terms_MONS.pdf for terms and conditions of use. The MONS database contains rated objects and rated scenes consisting of these objects. In the subdirectory objects/ you will find 805 image files containing cut outs of the objects. Filenames range from MONS_object_001.jpg to MONS_object_805.jpg. In the subdirectory scenes you will find 142 scenes. Rated scene versions (up to scene 107) are labelled _aversive, _appetitive and _neutral on basis of the ratings. Scenes that were post-hoc divided into the same motivational category are additionally labeled with a Roman numeral (e.g. _I, _II, etc.). Between these versions, 1 object (referred to as "critical" object) is exchanged. Non-rated scenes (scene 108-142) are only labeled with Roman numerals, and not labeled with a motivational category. Scenes 108-142 are not part of the official database, as no ratings were obtained for these scenes, but they do include objects for which ratings were obtained. -- Detailed Information on the scenes are available as Microsoft Excel (xlsx) files as well as comma separated value (csv) files. The first row of the Excel files contains a header, for the csv file this row is stored in a separate file. Csv files are in the directory csv/, excel files in the directory xls/ . Between brackets the column number // Excel column label -- The files ObjectRatings.xlsx and ObjectRatings.csv contain the following columns: (1)-(6) // (A)-(F) Image descriptives (1) // (A) Number - the number of the object file, ranging from 1 through 805 (2) // (B) Quintiles (Mean Motivation: I = most aversive; II = aversive; III = neutral; IV = appetitive; V = most appetitive) (3) // (C) Motivational category based on mean motivational rating across all raters (4) // (D) Object - file name (5) // (E) FromScene - corresponding scene from which the object was taken (for background items, only the scene number is provided, as these are included in all versions of a scene) (6) // (F) CriticalObject - whether the object was replaced in different versions of the scene see paper for detailed description of these classifications. (7)-(13) // (G)-(M) Mean ratings by all raters (14)-(19) // (N)-(S) Mean ratings by female raters (20)-(25) // (T)-(Y) Mean ratings by male raters Order of scales (mean/females/males): (7)/(14)/(20) // (G)/(N)/(T) Approach/Avoid (8)/(15)/(21) // (H)/(O)/(U) Arousal (9)/(16)/(22) // (I)/(P)/(V) Interaction (10)/(17)/(23) // (J)/(Q)/(W) Recognizability (11)/(18)/(24) // (K)/(R)/(X) Desire to own (12)/(19)/(25) // (L)/(S)/(Y) Valence (13) // (M) Mean Motivational Rating - mean of Approach/Avoid, Interaction, and Desire to Own (26)-(27) // (Z)-(AA) Image quality scores (26) // (Z) SubjectiveQualityRating - mean image quality rating (27) // (AA) IQA - Objective image quality assessment (28) // (AB) Inclusion: some objects were taken from scenes, that did not end up in the scene ratings. These objects are flagged here. See paper for detailed description of the scales. -- The files ObjectsInScenesRatings.xlsx and ObjectsInScenesRatings.csv contain the following columns: (1) // (A) Number - the number of the scene file, ranging from 1 through 107 (2) // (B) Object - object file name (3) // (C) Scene - scene file name in which object was presented (4) // (D) Motivational category of the object (aversive, neutral, appetitive; based on the mean motivational rating). (5) // (E) Quintiles (Mean Motivation: I = most aversive; II = aversive; III = neutral; IV = appetitive; V = most appetitive) (6)-(11) // (F)-(K) Mean ratings by all raters (12)-(16) // (L)-(P) Mean ratings by female raters (17)-(21) // (Q)-(U) Mean ratings by male raters Order of scales (mean/females/males): (6)/(12)/(17) // (F)/(L)/(Q) Approach/Avoid (7)/(13)/(18) // (G)/(M)/(R) Arousal (8)/(14)/(19) // (H)/(N)/(S) Interaction (9)/(15)/(20) // (I)/(O)/(T) Desire to own (10)/(16)/(21) // (J)/(P)/(U) Valence (11) // (K) Mean Motivational rating (mean of Approach/Avoid, Interaction, & Desire to Own) (22)-(26) // (V)-(Z) Number of all raters (27)-(31) // (AA)-(AE) Number of female raters (32)-(36) // (AF)-(AJ) Number of male raters Order of scales (mean/females/males): (22)/(27)/(32) // (V)/(AA)/(AF) Approach/Avoid (23)/(28)/(33) // (W)/(AB)/(AG) Arousal (24)/(29)/(34) // (X)/(AC)/(AH) Interaction (25)/(30)/(35) // (Y)/(AD)/(AI) Desire to Own (26)/(31)/(36) // (Z)/(AE)/(AJ) Valence -- The files SceneRatings.xlsx and SceneRatings.csv contain the following columns: (1) // (A) SceneNr - Scene number (1 through 107 scenes are included in the database; scenes 108-142 were not rated, but include objects for which ratings were obtained) (2) // (B) Scene Name - Scene file name (3) // (C) Motivational category (aversive/neutral/appetitive; based on the mean motivational rating, which is an average of the Approach/Avoid, Exploration, and Spending Time scales) (4) // (D) Quintiles (Approach Avoid: I = most aversive; II = aversive; III = neutral; IV = appetitive; V = most appetitive) (5)-(10) // (E) - (J) Mean ratings by all raters (11)-(15) // (K) - (O) Mean ratings by female raters (16)-(20) // (P) - (T) Mean ratings by male raters Order of scales (mean/females/males): (5)/(11)/(16) // (E)/(K)/(P) Approach/Avoid (6)/(12)/(17) // (F)/(L)/(Q) Arousal (7)/(13)/(18) // (G)/(M)/(R) Exploration (8)/(14)/(19) // (H)/(N)/(S) Spending Time (9)/(15)/(20) // (I)/(O)/(T) Valence (10) // (J) Mean Motivation (mean of Approach/Avoid, Exploration, & Spending Time) (21)-(25) // (U)-(Y) Number of all raters (26)-(30) // (Z)-(AD) Number of female raters (31)-(35) // (AE)-(AI) Number of male raters Order of scales (mean/females/males): (21)/(26)/(31) // (U)/(Z)/(AE) Approach/Avoid (22)/(27)/(32) // (V)/(AA)/(AF) Arousal (23)/(28)/(33) // (W)/(AB)/(AG) Exploration (24)/(29)/(34) // (X)/(AC)/(AH) Spending Time (25)/(30)/(35) // (Y)/(AD)/(AI) Valence -- The files ScenesWithObjects.xlsx and ScenesWithObjects.csv contain the following columns: (1) // (A) Scene number (1 through 107) (2) // (B) Scene name - Scene file name (3) // (C) Motivational category of the scene (aversive/neutral/appetitive; based on Approach/Avoid & Exploration) (4) // (D) Image orientation (landscape/portrait) (5) // (E) Image width (6) // (F) Image height (7) // (G) Total number of objects in the scene (8) // (H) Number of the critical object as given in ObjectRatings.xlsx/ObjectRatings.csv (9)-(14) // (I)-(N) Number of all other rated objects as given in ObjectRatings.xlsx/ObjectRatings.csv (15)-(17) // (O)-(Q) Non-neutrality of the neutral objects in the scene; calculated by summing over the absolute deviance of ratings for the neutral (non-critical) objects in the scene compared to the neutral boundary (3.5 or 4.5) when these ratings exceeded the neutral range (3.5-4.5) on mean motivation, valence, or arousal respectively (15) // (O) Non-neutrality motivational ratings neutral objects (16) // (P) Non-neutrality valence ratings neutral objects (17) // (Q) Non-neutrality arousal ratings neutral objects --- The files Scene_withBB.xls and Scene_withBB.csv in addition contain information on the object position in the scene (15)-(18) x, y, width and height of bounding box critical object (19)-(22) x, y, width and height of second object (23)-end x, y, width and height of all other objects contained in the scene -- The files MeanObjectRatings.xlsx and MeanObjectRatings.csv contain the following columns: (1) // (A) Scene number (1 through 107) (2) // (B) Scene name - Scene file name (3) // (C) Motivational category of the scene (aversive/neutral/appetitive; based on Approach/Avoid & Exploration) (4) // (D) Scene label - word describing the scene (5) // (E) Mean Approach/Avoid rating for all objects in the scene (6) // (F) Mean Arousal rating for all objects in the scene (7) // (G) Mean Interaction rating for all objects in the scene (8) // (H) Mean Recognizability rating for all objects in the scene (9) // (I) Mean DesireToOwn rating for all objects in the scene (10) // (J) Mean Valence rating for all objects in the scene (11) // (K) Mean Motivation rating, based on Approach/Avoid, Interaction and DesireToOwn, for all objects in the scene ...