Published December 12, 2017 | Version v3
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Short sighted influenza control policy based on poorly designed vaccines will sicken more people


A simple picture is currently portrayed about the influenza vaccine. The reality is far more complex.

Influenza vaccines cause anti-influenza allergy, aeroallergen allergy and allergic asthma. Anti-influenza allergy causes vaccine ineffectiveness due to IgE neutralizing vaccine antigens. Allergy to influenza, increases morbidity and mortality when a person is eventually infected by the strain due to inevitable vaccine failure (wrong strain chosen by WHO, antigenic drift between wild and vaccine strains, IgE mediated antigen neutralization, etc.).

When the vaccine works, it provides temporary immunity at the expense of allergy, autoimmunity, cancer and loss of long term protection against influenza.

When the flu vaccine "works", it makes the population more dependent on WHO making the right strain selection every time and no antigenic drift between wild and vaccine strains. We are creating a more vulnerable population (allergic asthma to HA and no natural influenza protection) that is dependent on an unreliable vaccine.

Influenza vaccine is therefore contributing to increasing influenza related morbidity and mortality.

We need a new influenza control policy redesigned from scratch to address the big picture.



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