GREENPEG: New exploration tools for European pegmatite green-tech resources

GREENPEG: New exploration tools for European pegmatite green-tech resources

GREENPEG is an innovation action project funded under the EU Horizon 2020 program that aims at improving the exploration methods for pegmatites in Europe, source of critical raw materials that are used in the green energy industry, for example energy storage devices,  photovoltaics, wind turbines, capacitors, etc. The project is implemented by academic research, as well as a not-to-profit organization, geological survey and industry (consulting and mining companies) as a multiplicators and ensuring the market up-take.

GREENPEG aims at reducing exploration costs and impact on environment by developing two innovative and competitive toolsets, including:

• three new instrumental techniques and devices (piezoelectric sensor, helicopter-complementary nose stinger magnetometer, drone-borne hyperspectral imaging system)

• two new datasets and workflows for prospect scale (<50 km²) and district scale (50- 500 km²) exploration. 

Validation will be ensured from industry-led trials at demonstration sites in Norway, Ireland, Austria and test sites in Portugal, Finland and Spain testing different landscape, vegetation and climate environments and geological settings.

For more details, visit the project website

Contact: Prof Dr Axel Bernd Müller. Natural History Museum, University of Oslo.

Project grant agreement No.: 869274