Mental Health Affairs

Mental Health Affairs

Welcome Everyone! This is a space of support & asylum for all members. This forum is is not intended to coordinate immediate clinical emergencies. If you need immediate medical attention please call 911 or proceed to your local emergency room. This is also not a space to judge others regardless of their presentation; disposition, mental status, disability, sexuality, gender identity or expression. Members that violate this warning will be removed from the group without question. 

This community is fundamentally important to establish a new culture surrounding the delivery of mental health services and the manner in which treatment, advocacy & community psycho-education is rendered by systems of care and prepared for consumption in our communities. 21st Century medicine & treatment for people carrying a mental health diagnosis is advancing and driven by new trends in research and policy reform. 

These policies, for better or worse, prescribe and map-out the course for new treatment pathways and models for delivering best practices in Mental Health care. Building upon prior research requires clinicians to successfully challenge less effective treatment milieus, evidence a need for further data, and ultimately, carry out studies that demonstrate and provide better outcomes for patients carrying a mental health diagnosis. 

There is no question that with rising violence relegated to the broken aspects of the mental health system & rising insurance costs the need is visible and urgent for reform and further advancement of research in mental health. The urgency and need for change is undeniably rooted in revamping the mental health delivery system and its systemic and institutional gaps in care which allow patients to fall through the cracks of treatment and keep people carrying a diagnosis dependent on a broken system.