Vaccine Monitoring Collaboration for Europe

Vaccine Monitoring Collaboration for Europe

VAC4EU (Vaccine monitoring Collaboration for Europe) is the sustainability solution of the ADVANCE project which was funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative. VAC4EU implements the ADVANCE vision, system and blueprint and enables robust and timely evidence-generation on the effects of vaccines in a collaborative manner in Europe for use by citizens, health care professionals, public health organisations and regulatory agencies. VAC4EU is a multi-stakeholder non-for-profit international association with a study network to run studies on vaccine effects and an open community for scientific debate.


VAC4EU is governed by the provisions of Title III of the Belgian law of 27th June 1921 on non-profit organizations, international non-profit organizations and foundations and modified subsequently by the program law of December 31st, 2004 regarding the articles 279 and 285 of the same law, as published in the Official Journal under the circular of June 2d., 2005.


The vision of VAC4EU is: Best real world evidence on vaccine coverage, benefits and risks in Europe to support public health and decision making. VAC4EU realizes that beyond a study network that actually generates evidence, scientists from all stakeholders should be able to have a forum to discuss science: results, methods and best practice. The VAC4EU community is open to all persons who wish to make a contribution.